Onda Shell & Tube Evaporators

Onda Shell & Tube Evaporators

TECHNICAL INFORMATION The main applications of our dry-expansion exchangers are the water, the liquid or brine solutions cooling in refrigeration plants and the hot water productio in heat pumps. Suitable refrigerants are: HCFCs, HFCs, and others, unless they are compatible with material construction. The ONDA shell & tube compact exchangers series TBE have cooling capacity range, at specified standard conditions, from about 15 up to 1400 kW with 1 to 4 refrigerant circuits. The water connections standard position is vertical, but on request can be placed horizontally, at right (DX) or left (SX) side when facing the refrigerant header. Besides the exchangers can be ordered with removable tube bundle (FTE) when not supplied as standard feature. The dimensional data contained in this catalogue are to be intended indicative taking into account the manufacturing tolerances. We reserve the right to make changes to this catalogue without prior notice.

MATERIALS The quality of the materials used to manufacture ONDA exchangers satisfy the requirements of the European pressure vessels Codes. The standard type construction of the shell & tube exchangers consists of following materials carbon steel for header, tubesheet, shell, refrigerant and water connections; copper exchanger tubes; brass or carbon steel for the baffles; asbestos free gaskets; bolts made of alloys steel. On request, other materials compatible with our production facilities can be used. Please contact our Technical Staff for non standard materials and cooling capacity.

ACCESSORIES Following optionals are available on request: loose or welded mounting supports; waterside counter flanges; insulation.

TESTS, VESSEL CODES, WORKING LIMITS Each exchanger undergoes to a pressure test on the refrigerant side (also differential test when more than single circuit) and water side according to the ONDA standards or different Codes procedures.  Being the shell & tube exchangers pressure vessels, the safety requirements are assured by strictly following the main European Codes during the design, choice and use of suitable materials, manufacturing and controls, pressure test and final documentation. Exchangers according to ASME code are also available; please contact us for further information.

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Shell & Tube Evaporators MPE Range

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Shell & Tube Evaporators LPE Range

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Shell & Tube Evaporator LSE Range


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The main applications of our dry-expansion exchangers are the water, the liquid or brine solutions cooling in refrigeration plants and the hot water production in heat pumps.

Call for Price: +27-31-3036323

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The main applications of our dry-expansion exchangers are the water, the liquid or brine solutions cooling in refrigeration plants and the hot water production in heat pumps.

Call for Price: +27-31-3036323

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The main applications of our dry-expansion exchangers are the water, the liquid or brine solutions cooling in refrigeration plants and the hot water production in heat pumps.

Call for Price: +27-31-3036323

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The main applications of our dry-expansion exchangers are the water, the liquid or brine solutions cooling in refrigeration plants and the hot water production in heat pumps.

Call for Price: +27-31-3036323

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