Programmed damage
Using the fake product can lead to insufficient lubrication of compressors, chemical reaction, destruction of elastomers and thus to great damage. In the imitation oil of the type BSE170, the moisture content exceeded the permissible values significantly. It was three times higher than the permissible value. High moisture content in polyolester oils like BSE170 is particularly critical because it leads to hydrolysis with the result of acid formation in the refrigerant circuit. This in turn causes copper plating and thus damage of critical moving parts like roller bearings as well as possible motor burn-out. This can in consequence trigger very high costs for compressor exchange and measures for system dehydration and acid catching.
Original BITZER Refrigeration Oils
Original BITZER lubricants feature lowest moisture content (lower than specified in standards) and specific properties optimised for BITZER compressors. Their chemical compatibility is extensively tested including distinct compressor construction materials introduced for use with the latest low-GWP HFOs and HFO/HFC blends. Due to their specific tribological characteristics, BITZER oils guarantee highest service life of the compressors. The outstanding lubricity and superior viscosity/temperature behaviour ensure reliable compressor operation and sufficient oil circulation in the circuit. BITZER Refrigeration Oils are subject to BITZER Quality Assurance and are delivered in metal packages which allow no moisture to ingress, even after longer periods of storage. Furthermore, safety data sheets are available as standard in several languages for all BITZER oils.
Only originals are safe
The specialist for refrigeration compressors condemns product piracy and warns against the associated risks. The use of counterfeit oils has a negative impact on the performance, safety and service life of BITZER compressors. Users should avoid these risks. In the end, the consequences of supposedly cheap forgeries are by far more expensive than the expected savings. The Original Refrigeration Oils certified by BITZER offer users more safety and have positive effects on the compressor’s life. Customers who have concerns about the origin of their lubricant are invited to contact their local BITZER representative for advice.
All original Bitzer Oils are available at Afcon Industrial Equipment - http://www.afcon.co.za/index.php?option=com_eshop&view=category&id=35&Itemid=526
Investing in the correct condensing unit for your store is a difficult decision to make without a reasonable degree of technical knowledge.
Here are ten critical questions to ask your suppliers the next time you are evaluating equipment suppliers.
1. What Is The Brand Name Of The Product? - Make sure you buy a known and respected brand name.
2. Does The Equipment Have Accreditation? - Is the condensing unit ASERCOM certified.
3. Is The Equipment Repairable? - Make sure your compressor is serviceable. Many refrigeration compressors are sealed/welded hermetic and you have to throw them away when they break.
4. Are Genuine Spare Parts Readily Available Locally? Some suppliers are merely import agents, ensure that you can get spare parts easily and quickly.
5. Is Local 24hr Technical Support Available? - Ensure that you have local support so that in an emergency you can get your problem solved quickly.
6. What Is The Energy Efficiency Level? - Ask for the ERP rating and ensure that the equipment is up to the latest energy saving standards.
7. Is The Equipment HFO Compatible? - Ask about the equipment emission levels and whether it can run on a low global warming refrigerant that is friendly to the environment.
8. Can The Equipment Be Remotely Accessed By A Technician? - This allows you to first request off-site diagnostics before investing in the cost of getting a technician sent to site.
9. Is The Equipment Allow For Remote Trouble Shooting? - New equipment should give you alerts and warnings and allow for remote trouble shooting.
10. Have You Tested The Equipment's Noise Factor? - Check how quietly the condensing unit runs, and make sure that the equipment that you finally select is quiet enough not to effect the neighbours or your customers.
Taken from: http://bitzersa.blogspot.co.za/2016/08/10-criteria-to-help-you-to-select.html
Four Important HVAC&R Energy Savings Tips for Retailers
Refrigeration normally accounts for more than 50% of a food retailer's energy use. The most common question asked by food retailers is: "How can I lower my refrigeration costs? " Not only will you impact on your energy consumption, but optimising your equipment will also enhance shelf life, and have a meaningful impact on wastage and more efficient stock management. If you are a food retailer in Africa you should at least be aware of the following simple energy-saving tips:
Manage & Monitor your system - Make sure that you have an energy management system in your store to schedule and controlling HVAC and lighting. Be sure it has remote access capability. This will not only allow you to manage your system, but will allow you to monitor it as well. Energy monitoring systems are normally integrated into building management systems.
Know the age of your equipment - The energy efficiency of refrigeration technology has improved significantly over the years, but the cost of completely replacing older refrigeration cases is substantial. That's why a lot of old and inefficient systems are in still being used today. "Even though it doesn't seem to make sense to replace old equipment that's still functioning well, if it's near the end of its life, upgrading to energy-efficient equipment will save you money in the long run." Until then, food retailers can improve the efficiency of old equipment with a few simple tips: a) where possible, trim an appliance's operating hours, b) regularly inspect door seals for cracks, and c) keep refrigerated cases and freezers clean.
Keep cold air in place with night covers, strip curtains. A major factor in reducing the cost of energy for refrigeration is to prevent the loss of what you've already invested in: cold air. Simple things like placing barriers between warm and cold areas can have a big impact. For smaller stores we recommend installing night covers on upright refrigerated display cases and strip curtains at the entry to cold storage areas. Night covers are a retractable plastic cover, like a window blind, that are pulled over the case opening during closing hours, keeping the cold air in place. Much the same, strip curtains stop chilled air from spilling out of a busy cold storage area, while still allowing people to reach in and out easily. Other simple improvements include adding doors to open display cases.
Save by only using the electricity you need when you need it. Another way to save money is to install electronically commutated motors (ECMs) These are small variable speed motors that draw much less electricity compared to standard motors because they contain built-in speed and torque controls that allow the motor to operate only at the speed that's needed., ECM motors are often designed to drop right into existing equipment, making the changeover easy and cost effective.
Taken from: http://bitzersa.blogspot.co.za/2016/07/four-important-hvac-energy-savings-tips.html
Bitzer European conference 2015

Dairy Equipment
Cubicool are in the process of manufacturing three large Glycol Chiller for producing low temperature glycol to feed dairy equipment. At the heart of each chiller are Bitzer compact screw compressors ranging from 140-180hp models. These compressors are matched to Onda shell & tube evaporators manufactured in Italy. All the controls on these chillers are Carel products including a main Pco controller and dedicated electronic expansion valve. The chiller also uses an Onda Braised plate heat exchanger for heat recovery – in which the discharge gas is subcooled to generate much needed hot water at no associated cost. Each chiller will have remote air cooled condensers which utilise the highly efficient micro channel condenser technology – which is standard on all Cubicool products.

Ebm-papst has 40 years experience in the manufacture of motors and fans and they are the leading experts in moving air, offering quality and reliability.